Here I come with the quick tip, this is a small tip but very effective. This is about disabling the Cookies on site.
You might be surprised that, Why someone would like to disable the cookies on the website? I would say that is the proper question, but sometimes it would be good to disable the cookies especially for the Cookie Free Domain.
Cookie Free Domain?
Cookie Free Domain is just like a simple domain or subdomain which is used to serve the static contents and which have no one cookies are set. So when we have a separate domain for serving the static content it will increase the performance of the website by loading the content in parallel. But what is the relation with the disabling the cookies? You can find this relation in the benefits section of this article.
Disable Cookies using .htaccess
Here are the simple just two lines to disable cookies on the domain using Htaccess
1.Header unset Cookie
2.Header unset Set-Cookie
When the browser makes any request to the server then it will send all cookies in the header with all requests. So let’s assume if you have 1 KB of cookies set and you are making 100 requests to the server then that 1 KB will be sent to server 100 times and the server also sends that back to the browser as well.
So I hope you are now clear with the concept/relation of the Cookie Free Domain and disabling the cookies with .htaccess file.